Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Bureau Games

Yes. You read the title right.

This past week, the 9 of us participated in Garcia's version of the Hunger Games.

The Tributes:

Hotch -District 6
Rossi - District 4
Reid - District 7
Morgan - District 8
JenJen -District 11
Emmerz - District 10
Katnip (Katherine) - District 12
Will L. - District 3
Brittany (My other older sister who's a lawer, she's friends with the team.) - District 1
Flynn (My older brother) District 2
Kevin L. - District 5
Shaunalynn (Me) - District 10

Yes, Brittany and Flynn flew in just to participate in this. Garcia called them, asked them to particpate.

Garcia also bought a trunk-load of NERF guns, Foam swords, foam knives and supplies and re-created the cornucopia and arena.

I pulled a 'Katniss' and Grabbed a backpack.

Flynn threw a rubber foam knife at me and it hit my backpack. It was very helpful.
I then did a Johanna, and hid.

Not as in stripping. I just hid until mostly everyone was "dead"

Katnip and I were the last ones left. I then aimed my toy bow and arrow I acquired over the last few days and took down Katnip.

Like. A. Boss.

It was fun. It really was. Plus I got to see Britt and Flynn who I haven't seen in a while.

But I totally kicked their butts. :3

-Shaunalynn Primrose :3