Wassup? :)


I'm Shaunalynn Jane aka Shauna.
I'm an FBI BAU SSA who profiles scary people.

Pronunciation. Get It Right.

Yes, We ALL know what SSA is backwards. Trust us, We do.

{It means Federal Bureau of Investigation, Behavioral Analysis Unit, Supervisory Special Agent.}
I profile and do chiz like that.

I work with the ever-famous SSA David Rossi, Unit Chief/SSA Aaron Hotchner aka Hotch, SSA Derek Morgan, SSA Emily Prentiss, Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia, Dr. Spencer Reid, SSA Katherine Jane aka Kat, and Last but not least, my favorite Communication Liaison, SSA Jennifer Jareau aka JJ. She's my cousin.

Do they drive me crazy? Yes,. But they're my family and I love them {Family Love, FYI} and wouldn't trade them for the world.

I have a mom, a dad, an older brother named Flynn, an older twin named Katherine, and a younger sister named Rue. And then there's JJ, my older cousin and Emily, my older half-sister.

JJ, Emily, Garcia and Kat = My Best friends. I love them dearly. Like, you have no idea.

I'm American, Mexican, French, Irish, and Italian. I was born in the USA though.

Emily and I {sometimes JJ} sometimes have convos in Spanish.
Rossi and I are italian buddies and we often exchange recipes.
Reid, Garcia, and I might occasionally have a movie marathon.
Kat and I understands each other's face expression.

I'mma District 10 Hufflepuff Whovian.

My middle name is Primrose.

Nicknames? Yeah, I got a few.

Mostly everyone calls me Shauna.
Kat calls me Shaunikins. {Ickle Shaunikins}
JJ calls me Bug.
The Team sometimes calls me Shaun.
My Parents call me Shauna-Bug.
My Friends sometimes call me SJ.
Garcia sometimes calls me Shauni.

Any questions for me? Comment on a post and I'll answer them. I might occasionally post texts between me and the others.

~Shaunalynn Primrose Jane