Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ships and Cannons.... Do We Sound Like Pirates?

I wonder if my team ships people with other. Like Emily could ship JJ and Will, {Which makes sense, considering they're married.} Or Morgan could ship JJ and Reid.

Then there's the whole 'Head cannon' thing.

Do Sane people think we're pirates are something?

Maybe it's only fangirls that understand this, I don't know.

Reid seems to think Me, Kat and Emily are crazy when we discuss fandom-related things.

But Reid is a Doctor Who fan. He should know what we mean.

Fans aren't crazy. Unless you happen to be that Dante fan who killed people and nearly killed JJ.

But most fans aren't crazy.

-Shaunalynn :3

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Family Trees and Stuff {The Result of Boredom}

Hey guys! 

I haven't seen the team much, aside from JJ and Kat, being on medical leave and chiz. 
So I got bored and did this family tree last night.

This is The Team Family Tree
{ Excuse the handwriting. xD }
{Again, Mowgli is Morgan, and Emmerz is Emily, Spenny is Spencer.}
Yes, We ALL know Strauss is the evil Grandma.

And this is chibi Us {No, I didn't draw these, and I know they look girly-ish.}
Top Row: Hotch, Rossi, Mowgli.
Middle Row: Spenny, JJ Bear, Me
Bottom: Garcia, Emmerz, Kat.

Kat and I were Fraternal twins, but we're twins, nonetheless.

Aren't we adorable? Garcia's is cute. Emily and JJ have Pea Coats.

Us in our Hogwarts house.
We're kinda squished though. :/

Reid, Mowgli, Rossi, Hotch, Emily, Me, JJ, and Garcia.

Technically I'm a Gryffindor/Hufflepuff mix, so is JJ. 
But I like Hufflepuff. We have Garcia and Tonks.


And Because I couldn't fit Kat up there {Sorry, Kat, but You wouldn't fit.} I made one with JJ, Kat and Me.

 She's a Slytherin. ^.^

Anyways, That's all I got for the day.

~Shaunalynn <3

Friday, July 6, 2012


Hey, Shaunalynn here.

So, it's summer, and I still have to work. UNSUBS don't seem to know what Summer is, seeing as we must work in the Summer. :P

But, Morgan {Aka Mowgli [Mow-glee] as I [jokingly] call him}decided to start his own Hunger Games and texted me at 1 in the morning. {Yes, I know the times are off}Yes, My middle name really is Primrose. JJ calls me Little Duck. :3

And Then he texts JJ to confirm her District.

I must stay away from her. She might take me down first, then take Mowgli down.
I hope it's a Laser Tag type thing. That'd be fun.

Anywhoo, Here I am, sitting at the computer at 2 in the morning, writing this all for you guys. We're off tomorrow anyways.
I got a good idea for another section of the blog. The idea just hit me. Literally hit me. 

JJ just walked by. The look on her face = "What the heck is Shaunalynn doing on the computer at 2 in the morning?"

She's over here to keep an eye on me btw. It's been about a week since the Pennywise {the killer clown in Derry, Maine.} Case/Incident. {He kidnapped me then nearly killed me.} I started this blog to help keep my mind off occupied.

Anyways, It's kinda late in Quantico so I must go back to bed.

JJ walked by again, with the same look on her face, but she's looking over my shoulder. {JJ: Go Back To Bed.} 

That's all I got. 
Good Night. Or Morning, depending on where you live.

-Shauna Jareau- {Yes, I stole my cousin's last name. I may occasionally do that.}