Friday, July 6, 2012


Hey, Shaunalynn here.

So, it's summer, and I still have to work. UNSUBS don't seem to know what Summer is, seeing as we must work in the Summer. :P

But, Morgan {Aka Mowgli [Mow-glee] as I [jokingly] call him}decided to start his own Hunger Games and texted me at 1 in the morning. {Yes, I know the times are off}Yes, My middle name really is Primrose. JJ calls me Little Duck. :3

And Then he texts JJ to confirm her District.

I must stay away from her. She might take me down first, then take Mowgli down.
I hope it's a Laser Tag type thing. That'd be fun.

Anywhoo, Here I am, sitting at the computer at 2 in the morning, writing this all for you guys. We're off tomorrow anyways.
I got a good idea for another section of the blog. The idea just hit me. Literally hit me. 

JJ just walked by. The look on her face = "What the heck is Shaunalynn doing on the computer at 2 in the morning?"

She's over here to keep an eye on me btw. It's been about a week since the Pennywise {the killer clown in Derry, Maine.} Case/Incident. {He kidnapped me then nearly killed me.} I started this blog to help keep my mind off occupied.

Anyways, It's kinda late in Quantico so I must go back to bed.

JJ walked by again, with the same look on her face, but she's looking over my shoulder. {JJ: Go Back To Bed.} 

That's all I got. 
Good Night. Or Morning, depending on where you live.

-Shauna Jareau- {Yes, I stole my cousin's last name. I may occasionally do that.}

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